I’ve decided to start an ongoing series of posts here to give an idea of what goes on behind the scenes here at Losco Glass, some background & history on my work/career, and to reflect on events and opportunities I undergo throughout the year.
I think of it as kind of a business oriented journal, and peek into the life of an artist. After 10+ years of flameworking and trying to expand my market, I understand the old cliché of the “starving artist”. It isn’t always easy or consistent to make a living being a creative or doing what you love, but there are always doors to open and new ways to find success.
In the early years of my career, mostly all the flameworkers I knew were making a living on pipes and water pipes. It was the cool thing to make and it seemed like there were loads of smoke shops and collectors willing to support the work; however, that industry seems to have slowed down a LOT over the past few years, and I have been making a concerted effort to expand my horizons to drinkware, aquatic sculptures, and my favorite, Cremation memorial Artwork.
If you subscribe to my newsletters, I won’t be spamming your inbox relentlessly. I might have 2-3 posts a month, giving some updates and exciting news surrounding the business and sales that happen throughout the year.
I’ll leave the comment sections open as well to encourage you all to ask questions and let me know if there’s anything you’d like to hear about in future posts.
Thanks for checking me and my work out, and I hope you enjoy these extra little insights into the life of a flamworker!
Booth Setup at Champs Glass Games in Atlantic City, 2023